Local Teachers Participate in two-day Workshop called, “Exploring what is Special about Agriculture.
Twenty-four local teachers attended “Exploring what is Special about Agriculture,” a professional development opportunity for educators. The workshop was a collaboration between Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation (IALF), Delaware County Farm Bureau, Linn County Farm Bureau and Buchanan County Farm Bureau.
“Exploring what is Special about Agriculture,” was offered August 5-6, 2019 at the Delaware County Fairgrounds in Manchester.
During day one, course participants toured Pine Hills Flower Farm, Lopata Garden, Timeless Prairie Orchard, and Aronia Berry Services of Northeast Iowa. Each tour demonstrated real-world STEM connections.
Educators spent the second day at the Delaware County Fairgrounds Community Center learning the skills needed to incorporate agriculture into many of the Iowa Core social studies and science standards.
Lesson materials and ideas were presented by Will Fett, IALF Executive Director; Rosie Roberts, IALF Intern; Jason Russell, farmer and Linn County Farm Bureau Board of Director; Sarah Kielly, ISUEO-Buchanan County Local Foods Coordinator; Cheryl Hopkins, Frog Hollow Farm; Becki Lynch, Linn County Master Gardener; Morgan Hibbs, Linn County Farm Bureau Education Outreach Coordinator and Shelby Schaefers, Buchanan and Delaware Ag in the Classroom Coordinator. A few of the presentation topics included; pork tariffs, local foods, pollinators, apple genetics, chickpeas, goats, and seed germination.
Workshops are made possible by supporters of the Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation including the Silos and Smokestacks National Heritage Area, Bayer, REAP Conservation Education Program, and Farm Credit Services of America with additional support from Iowa Corn Growers Association, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, Iowa Pork Producers Association, Corteva Agriscience, GROWMARK, and the Iowa Beef Industry Council.