What is Ag in the Park?
Are you curious about Ag in the Park but you are not sure what to expect? We got you covered! Continue reading to learn more.

Each year the Linn County High School FFA Chapters; Springville, Central City, Alburnett, North Linn and Linn-Mar, sponsor an activity called Ag in the Park. Ag in the Park is being held Friday, May 10th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Linn County Fairgrounds in Central City. All teachers with school age kids are invited.

Students can observe animals, sample agriculture products, look at farm equipment and listen to presentations on topics such as safety, aquaculture, plants, soil and water conservation, pets and beekeeping.

High school students lead Ag in the Park efforts and use their own research and expertise in certain agriculture disciplines to educate the youth of Linn County.

It typically takes two hours to see everything. Picnic tables are available for sack lunches.
Do you want to join the fun? If yes, register your students for Ag in the Park today! There is only 27 days until 500+ students step into the fascinating world of agriculture.

To register visit: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090a4cacad2da7fd0-aginthe
P.S. We need farmers and those in agribusiness to volunteer their expertise at Ag in the Park. If you are interested in participating with a demonstration or hands-on activity please email Barb Lemmer at blemmer@linnmar.k12.ia.us.