Local Teachers Participate in Online Workshop called, “Dairy and Pork and Beef, Oh My!”
Thirty local teachers participated in “Dairy and Pork and Beef, Oh My,” a professional development opportunity for educators. The workshop was a collaboration between Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation (IALF), Delaware County Farm Bureau, Linn County Farm Bureau, and Buchanan County Farm Bureau.

The workshop was intended to be held in person but due to COVID-19 was transition to a virtual opportunity and was offered June 15 and 16, 2020.
Participants Joined in for a live two hour zoom session where they were able to connect with others in the class and learn about course requirements. Participants also had the opportunity to hear from Rebecca Vittetoe, Morgan Hibbs, Shelby Hawkins, Will Fett and Ellen Cook.
Rebecca Vittetoe, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Field Agronomist, presented on the “day in the life.” She shared her career story, science of crop problem solving, connections to history, and the technology involved.

Morgan Hibbs, Linn County Farm Bureau and Shelby Hawkins, Buchanan and Delaware County Farm Bureau, demonstrated how to incorporate hydroponics into the classroom at all ages.

Lesson materials were presented on Moodle, an online course platform, by Will Fett, IALF Executive Director and Ellen Cook, IALF Intern. The workshop helped teachers apply Iowa Core standards including social studies and science in the context of teaching of agriculture. Content included; the chemistry involved in a ruminant digestive system, technology displayed in a pig barn, practices used on a vegetable farm and the change in equipment over the years. Participants were encouraged to think about the real-world and applicable ways each topic could help meet Iowa Core Standards.
Participants will continue to learn about agriculture throughout the remainder of the month. The online self-paced workshop will conclude in July.

Workshops are made possible by supporters of the Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation including the Silos and Smokestacks National Heritage Area, Bayer, REAP Conservation Education Program, and Farm Credit Services of America with additional support from Iowa Corn Growers Association, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, Iowa Pork Producers Association, Corteva Agriscience, GROWMARK, and the Iowa Beef Industry Council.