We are Cultivating Ag Literacy!
This year our theme is cultivating ag literacy!
Our first year we planted ag knowledge, last year we ignited ag interest and this year we are creating a long-lasting foundation by cultivating ag literacy!
We are wrapping up the year differently than in the past, but I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to impact young minds on the importance of knowing where our food and products come from. I am so grateful to the teachers who open their classroom doors and invite me to visit. Even though the year did not end like we were all hoping, so much was accomplished, and I feel it is important to celebrate the 2019/20 school year.
Linn County Farm Bureau Education Outreach is cultivating ag literacy locally with 12,589 student impressions made between September 2019 and May 2020! The program reached 10,002 total classroom students with 1,245 students enrolled in our monthly program, 439 students through FarmChat®, 328 students explored agriculture during career days, 370 plus students stopped at our booth during a STEM Fest, 75 students participated in our hatching program, 130 students requested a STEM kit be mailed to their homes during no-school and 15,603+ people viewed or engaged in our online virtual learning units.
Thank you for a wonderful year! I hope you all have a fantastic summer and I can't wait to begin planning for 2020/21!